FAQs-DEAN Foundation
It is a philosophy of care that enables people with advanced Cancer, Motor Neuron disease, End stage diabetes, HIV related illness, or other diseases to regain some control over their lives and to improve and stabilize distressing symptoms.
Hospice care is a special way of caring for those facing a life-threatening illness. Hospice services are characterized by a team-oriented approach that includes expert pain and symptom management, along with emotional and spiritual support tailored to the patient's wishes.
The most common misunderstanding about hospice is the belief that a hospice is a "place". In fact, most patients receive hospice care in their own homes, although it can also be provided in other facilities as well.
Palliative {latin, palliatus ,cloaked} mitigating, reducing the severity of, denoting the allevation of symptoms without curing the underlying disease.
Hospice {latin, hospes , a host, a guest} a philosophy of care that provides a centralized program of palliative and supportive services to dying persons and their families, in the form of physical, psychological, social and spiritual care.
DEAN Foundation is a non-profit Medical Charitable Trust whose prime objective is to provide Palliative care for those suffering from incurable illnesses with competence and compassion and to end unnecessary suffering, indignity and fear.
DEAN Foundation is a place to go to, when some one you care, is faced with a life threatening illness. It is a special place to go, if you need a friend, or to talk about problems in your life.
Those who are suffering from irreversible, progressive, incurable and terminal diseases.
Ideally, Palliative Care should begin right at the time of diagnosis.
The patient and his/her loved ones and family.
Treatment plan will be drawn with the focus shifting from curing the disease to a plan focused on providing comfort and pain relief.
Practical, Physical and Emotional support for patients, with limited life expectancy and to help meet physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs without discrimination but with love, acceptance and dignity.
Specially trained staff (consisting of a team of doctor, nurse, social worker/counsellor and volunteers) who work closely with the patient's primary care physician, if necessary, to oversee care and treatment.
Focus on controlling pain and other distressing symptoms connected with end-stage diseases. This includes medications, dressing foul smelling, fungating ulcers, Ryles tube insertion, administration of IV/subcutaneous fluids, Ascitis tapping, bladder wash, catheterization, stoma care, etc. Sponge bath, eye and oral care, and perineum care, form an integral part of the routine procedures, to prevent fungal infections and make the patient as comfortable as possible.
Provide patients with hospital cots, water beds, wheel chairs, bed pans, urinals and commodes.
We currently do not have our own inpatient facility, except in the Paediatric Department of Hospice and Palliative Medicine in the State Government's Institute of Child Health and Hospital for Children, Egmore, Chennai.
Through an Out patient basis and a Home Based Care Programme.
We do.
We do not have Home Nursing services round the clock. However, we shall refer you to those institutions who do.
Caregivers are generally trained to provide a safe, comfortable environment, help with feeding, bathing, repositioning patient to prevent bed sores, giving medications or anything else that they may be called upon to do. They will also be appraised about what medications, therapies, supplies and equipment will be used. Caregivers are also advised to alert DEAN Foundation of any changes in the Patient's condition.